The Experts
Clinicians & Researchers interviewed for the film
While producing the film, we interviewed a number of experts in the field of personality disorders and Borderline Personality Disorder in particular. A lot of amazing footage ended up on the cutting room floor, so we decided to make the full, minimally-edited interviews available to rent/buy in the shop along with the film.
The film itself is very experiential, from the viewpoint of someone struggling with a serious mental health diagnosis. These interviews are the opposite: straight-ahead informational talks from top-level clinicians and researchers in the field. There is a wealth of information in these interviews about BPD and its treatment, from experts who created the diagnosis criteria themselves, as well as some of the most effective treatments for the disorder.

Dr. Marsha Linehan
Creator of Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Marsha Linehan developed DBT, one of the leading treatments for BPD in the world. It incorporates Zen Buddhism and a large amount of validation. Hear her take on BPD and the mental health treatment world, along with a description of her treatment, in the interview.
Watch the trailer for the Linehan interview and rent/buy in the shop.

Dr. John Gunderson
Creator of the BPD diagnosis
John Gunderson was instrumental in defining Borderline Personality Disorder and adding it to the diagnostic system in the 80s, and subsequently devoted himself to improving treatment for the BPD population, influencing many younger treaters and leaving a treatment program bearing his name, the Gunderson Residence.
Watch the trailer for the Gunderson interview and rent/buy in the shop.

Dr. Otto Kernberg
Creator of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy
Otto Kernberg is a pioneer in the field of personality disorders, with an emphasis on BPD and NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). He developed the highly specialized treatment Transference-Focused Psychotherapy.
Watch the trailer for the Kernberg interview and rent/buy in the shop.

Dr. Peter Fonagy
Co-creator of Mentalization-Based Treatment
A veteran of the BPD treatment field, Peter Fonagy worked with Anthony Bateman to develop Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT), which has a deceptively simple approach to treating personality disorders through building a person's ability to "mentalize."
Watch the trailer for the Fonagy interview and rent/buy in the shop.